• The organization of the preventive and rehabilitation activities among the children in the school 
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The organization of the preventive and rehabilitation activities among the children in the school 

SOVREMENNAYA PEDIATRIYA.2016.3(75):15-18; doi10.15574/SP.2016.75.15 

The organization of the preventive and rehabilitation activities among the children in the school 

Mukvich E. N., Kaminskaya T. N.

SI «Institute of Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology NAMS of Ukraine», Kiev 

Objective: To study the state of health of school-age children and development of the model of preventive and rehabilitative measures under the school.

Materials and methods. In the SI «Institute of Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology NAMS of Ukraine» have been conducted researches on the state of health of school-age children during the last decade. The results were compared with those of 50 years ago.

Results. It is found significant deterioration of health indicators, physical development and adaptation processes in modern school children due to the layer growth of children with frequent recurrent infections, chronic somatic disorders, its «rejuvenation» and the increase in the number of children with disabling conditions. Based on these studies was developed the model of preventive and rehabilitation center of the study and educational institution. In the established medical health offices (MHO) a set of preventive and rehabilitation measures was realized by a family doctor, pediatrician in the school or by medical workers, rehabilitator, psychologists and teachers at the primary level including involving to the active cooperation of parents and guardians.

Conclusions. The efficiency of the developed preventive and rehabilitation complex, which was expressed by a decrease in the frequency of pathological lesions and significant savings on costs on the treatment and high factor of social efficiency is determined. Implementation of the MHO system will provide and will ensure the provision of full access to education, decrease the period of absence at school, to keep healthy and achieve academic potential. 

Key words: children, organized staff, preventive and rehabilitation complex. 


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