• Physical development extremely premature infants during the first three years of life and risk factors affecting its considerable delay
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Physical development extremely premature infants during the first three years of life and risk factors affecting its considerable delay

SOVREMENNAYA PEDIATRIYA.2016.4(76):36-39; doi10.15574/SP.2016.76.36 

Physical development extremely premature infants during the first three years of life and risk factors affecting its considerable delay

Kozakevich O. B.

HSEIU «Ukrainian Medical Dental Academy», Poltava, Ukraine 

Purpose of work. To study the physical development of premature infants born weighing less than 1500 g, and identify risk factors concerning its violations.

Materials and methods of research. Examine the the physical development of 178 children born with very low birth weight in 6,12,18,24, and 36 months of life. Identify the factors of socio-economic nature, which are reliably associated with its significant delay.

Results. In assessing the physical development of children by scales of WHO found that almost a quarter of children born with a weight of up to 1500 g in 24–36 months of life have a weight of less than 10‰. There were no significant effects of number of factors characterizing the course of pregnancy and delivery on the development of a significant delay of physical development in 24 months of a child's life. The low level of material security of the family, prolonged mechanical ventilation, severe intraventricular bleedings, lack of breastfeeding are predictors of severe developmental delay at 24 months of life.

Conclusions. The lack of influence of pregnancy and delivery on the development of a significant delay of physical development focuses on the urgent need of the relevant organization follow-up observations for children who were born with weigh less than 1500 g.

Key words: children, premature, physical development, risk factors.


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