• Experimental studies of the effect of «SEPTOLETE» preparation on the oral cavity immunity factors 
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Experimental studies of the effect of «SEPTOLETE» preparation on the oral cavity immunity factors 

SOVREMENNAYA PEDIATRIYA.2016.2(74):63-65; doi 10.15574/SP.2016.74.63 

Experimental studies of the effect of «SEPTOLETE» preparation on the oral cavity immunity factors 

Melnikov O. F., Prilutskaya A. D., Timchenko M. D.

SI «Institute of Otolaryngology named after Prof. A.S. Kolomiychenko NAMS of Ukraine» 

Experimental invitro studies in 120 samples in condition of contact with «Septolete» preparation (with different flavors, including Septolete plus in the form of lozenges and spray) with unstimulated oropharyngeal secretion and blood serum of healthy donors are conducted. Invivo studies were conducted in five healthy donors with the aim of determination of the humoral factors of protection of oropharyngeal secretion before and after one and two hours after application of «Septolete plus» oral lozenges. The results of studies allow to suggest that the «Septolete plus» preparation produced by KRKA d.d. Company, Slovenia, is not affected in invitro conditions on the contact of secretory IgA, other classes of serum immunoglobulins and does not alter the concentration of interferons α and γ. During the invivo studies was found that after the hour of application of «Septolete plus» lozenges was noted an increase in the content of secretory forms of IgA. 

Key words: experimental studies, oropharyngeal secret, oral cavity immunity factors, Septolete. 


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