• Anthropometric characteristic features of schoolgirls, aged 7–18 years, residing in urban and rural areas 
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Anthropometric characteristic features of schoolgirls, aged 7–18 years, residing in urban and rural areas 

SOVREMENNAYA PEDIATRIYA.2016.6(78):51-55; doi 10.15574/SP.2016.78.51 

Anthropometric characteristic features of schoolgirls, aged 7–18 years, residing in urban and rural areas 

Dynnik V. A., Nachesova T. A., Udovikova N. A.

SI «Institute of Health of Children and teens NAMS of Ukraine», Kharkiv


The aim of our research is the study and comparative evaluation of anthropometric parameters of younger girls and teenagers, residing in urban and rural areas.

Results. A complete anthropometric study has revealed that body length parameters in girls of rural locality are lower than these measurements in their urban peers. 
The most intensive increase in the average growth rates has been registered in urban girls at the age from 9 to 13 years, and in rural girls from 9 to 12 years. Significant differences in the body mass parameters regarding their increase between the town-dwellers and country girls have been registered only at the age of 7 and 15 years (p<0.05). The average weight gain in the town girls falls on the age 11 and 13 years, while in the country inhabitants it coincides with 12 and 14 years. Normative BMI values increase with age both in girls of the town and of the country. Moreover, a significant increase both in the town and in the country residents takes place since the age of 14. Pelvic dimensions increase unevenly. The first significant increase in the external parameters of the pelvic bones (both longitudinal and transverse is observed at the age of 8–9 years in the town residents, and at the age of 8–10 years in the country dwellers, which corresponds to the start of the prepuberty. An intensive increase in the size of pelvis in the town girls continues up to 15–16 years and in the country girls it is observed up to 13–14. By 17 years dimensions of the pelvis (longitudinal and transverse) both in the town and country residents are lower in comparison with Analysis of the physical development such parameters in adult women.

Conclusion. Іn girls of urban and rural areas has shown that the growth of the body at different age periods is uneven and it has its own regularities. Our study has revealed some differences between rural and urban childhood population as regards certain anthropometric parameters. However, the data obtained do not give grounds to assume that urban and rural inhabitants physiologically represent different groups of population.

Key words: anthropometric parameters, physical development, schoolgirls aged 7–18 years.


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