• Typical and atypical cat scratch disease.
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Typical and atypical cat scratch disease.

SOVREMENNAYA PEDIATRIYA.2014.3(59):129-133; doi 10.15574/SP.2014.59.129


Typical and atypical cat scratch disease.


Volokha A. P.

Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education


Abstract. Cat scratch disease is caused by gram-negative rode Bartonella henselae. Cat scratch disease results from a cat scratch or bite, as well as from a flea bite several weeks before clinical symptoms. Cat scratch disease is an infectious disease characterized by self-limited regional lymphadenopathy, fever. In 5–14% of individuals the organisms disseminate and infect the liver, spleen, eye, or central nervous system with development of atypical form of diseases. Serological diagnostic is the most informative for confirmation of disease caused by Bartonella henselae. Antibacterial therapy is effective in treatment of cat scratch disease.


Key words: Bartonella henselae, cat scratch disease, lymphadenopathy, fever of unknown origin.



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