• Treatment of dishormonal dysplasia of mammary glands 
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Treatment of dishormonal dysplasia of mammary glands 

HEALTH OF WOMAN. 2016.3(109):93–98; doi 10.15574/HW.2016.109.93 

Treatment of dishormonal dysplasia of mammary glands 

Reznichenko G. I., Reznichenko N. Yu., Potebnya V. Yu.

SI «Zaporozhzhia medical Academy of postgraduate education Ministry of health of Ukraine» 

The objective: to determine the effectiveness of Epigalin Breast in treatment of women with dishormonal dysplasia of mammary glands.

Patients and methods. We observed 67 women with dishormonal dysplasia of mammary glands aged 32–46 years who received complex therapy, which included sedatives, vitamins and Epigalin Breast additionally as well as 23 healthy not pregnant women.

Results. The use of Epigalin Breast leads to decrease in the secretion of prolactin, resulting in regression of pathological processes in mammary glands and disappearance of pain. Cyclic secretion of gonadotropic hormones and normal level of prolactin restores the second phase of menstrual cycle, normalizing the imbalance between the level of estradiol and progesterone, which positively affects the state of the mammary glands.

Conclusion. The results indicate high effectiveness and safety of Epigalin Breast and prove the need to recommend it for wide introduction and use in gynecological practice for treatment and preventive measures for women with dyshormonal breast dysplasia and hormone-dependent pathologies of the genitals caused by hyperestrogenic states.

Key words: dishormonal breast dysplasia, treatment, Epigalin Breast.


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