• Thyroid Dysfunction and Childhood Obesity (literature review and own research)
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Thyroid Dysfunction and Childhood Obesity (literature review and own research)

Modern Pediatrics.Ukraine.2020.2(106):56-62; doi 10.15574/SP.2020.106.56
Turchina S. I.1,2, Shushlyapina E. V.1,2, Kosovtsova A. V.1,2, Shlyakhova N. V.1,2
1State Institution «Institute for the Protection of the Health of Children and Adolescents of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine», Kharkiv
2Karazin Kharkiv National University, Ukraine

For citation: Turchina SI, Shushlyapina EV, Kosovtsova AV, Shlyakhova NV. (2020). Thyroid Dysfunction and Childhood Obesity (literature review and own research). Modern Pediatrics.Ukraine.2020.2(106):56-62. doi 10.15574/SP.2020.106.56
Article received: Jan 10, 2020. Accepted for publication: Mar 13, 2020.

The prevalence of obesity is steadily growing among both adult and child population. In recent years, among the pathologies associated with obesity, more and more attention of researchers has been attracted by thyroid pathologies, which in Ukraine occupy the leading place by frequency among all endocrinopathies. A relevant issue in pediatric endocrinology is to determine the relationship between thyroid dysfunction and obesity. According to modern research data, there is a close relationship between manifestations of metabolic syndrome and functional state of the thyroid gland. The results of the studies showed that the most vulnerable period for the occurrence of thyroid dysfunction in obese patients is the prepubertal period in boys (6-9 years) and early puberty (10–13 years) in girls. This proves need to monitor the state of the thyroid gland in obese patients, especially during pre- and early puberty. It has also been proved that the presence of disorders in the structure of the thyroid gland in children with obesity, even in the absence of other signs of autoimmune thyroiditis, can be considered as a risk factor for the formation of thyroid insufficiency, which requires constant monitoring of the functional state of the thyroid gland in such patients. To optimize the examination and treatment of obese children and adolescents, an observation algorithm is proposed for the first level of medical care.

The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Key words: children, obesity, thyroidopathy, treatment.


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