• The state of the fetal circulation in congenital malformations of the fetus
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The state of the fetal circulation in congenital malformations of the fetus

HEALTH OF WOMAN.2015.5(101):156–158; doi 10.15574/HW.2015.101.156

The state of the fetal circulation in congenital malformations of the fetus

Galich S. R., Schurko D. M., Schurko M. I.

Odessa national medical University

There was analyzed the dopplerometric study of 53 pregnant women in the third trimester of pregnancy with congenital malformations. 1 group included pregnant women with congenital malformations, 2 group was composed of pregnant women with congenital malformations and placental dysfunction (PD). A comparison group consisted of 20 pregnant women who gave birth to healthy full-term infants.

The blood flow was determined in the uterine arteries (UA), umbilical artery (UA), medial cerebral artery (MCA) and fetal aorta. Assessment of the blood flow velocity curves was carried out by the resistance index (RI), the pulse index (PI) and the ratio of the maximum systolic and end diastolic velocity (S/D).

The analysis of the dopplerometric indices in the uterine arteries showed that pregnant women with congenital malformations were observed to have an increase in RI. S/D did not have a significant difference. The blood flow to the UA in CMF revealed a significant increase in S/D and had no difference in RI. The analysis of the cerebral blood flow in MCA and showed a decrease in PI and absence of oscillations of RI S and S/D. The increase in S/D and lack of significant difference in IR and PI was observed in the aorta of the fetus with congenital malformations. In combination of CMF and PD, RI and S/D in UA and MCA is increased.

Key words: congenital malformations of fetal development, dopplerometry, fetal circulation.


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