• The safety of use of interferon preparations in the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections in high)risk pregnant women 
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The safety of use of interferon preparations in the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections in high)risk pregnant women 

PERINATOLOGIYA I PEDIATRIYA.2016.1(65):27-32;doi 10.15574/PP.2016.65.27 

The safety of use of interferon preparations in the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections in high)risk pregnant women 

Davidova Yu. V., Limanskaya A. Yu.

SI «Institute of Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology, NAMS of Ukraine», Kiev, Ukraine 

Objective – to show safety of use of interferon preparations in the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections in high-risk pregnant women. 

Patients and methods. In the study was used Nazoferon nasal spray in the dose of 100 thousand IU/ml 5 ml, produced by «Farmak» (Ukraine), which has antimicrobial, antiviral, immunomodulatory and anti-inflammatory action. The preparation was administered after onset of the first symptoms of ARVI by 2 drops in each nostril for 4–5 times per 1–3 day. The study included 26 pregnant women (study group) with extragenital pathology (congenital and acquired heart diseases), with diagnosed ARVI. The control group consisted of 20 patients with ARVI who were treated with the standard regimens of the symptomatic therapy. Evaluation of the safety and tolerability of preparations was conducted on the base of analysis of the incidence of adverse events in all studied patients, as well as analysis of fetal status changes according to the ultrasound investigation – USI (placentometry, fetometry) and Doppler ultrasonography (utero-placental and fetal-placental blood flow). The effectiveness of treatment was evaluated according to the information received about the frequency of elimination of the pathogen using rapid tests and about regression of clinical manifestations of the ARVI. 

Results. Currently, interferon containing preparations occupied an important niche in the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections of various etiologies. Earlier, the use of such preparations was limited for the reason of low tolerability and the inconvenience of the dosage form. The development of the recent years allows using them in a wide range of patients, especially in pregnant women with extragenital pathology. 

Conclusions. The high concentration of active ingredients directly into the lesion, activity against major pathogens of acute respiratory viral infections, reliable security and usability determine the feasibility of including of Nazoferon, produced by («Farmak»), in the complex scheme of treatment of ARVI in pregnancy. 

Key words: acute respiratory viral infections, pregnancy, Nazoferon. 


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