• The research of gallbladder motility with the lesions of hepatobiliary system in the group of early8aged children
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The research of gallbladder motility with the lesions of hepatobiliary system in the group of early8aged children

PERINATOLOGIYA I PEDIATRIYA.2015.1(61):20–23;doi10.15574/PP.2015.61.20


The research of gallbladder motility with the lesions of hepatobiliary system in the group of early8aged children


Shadrin O. G., Tarasyuk B. A., Chernega N. F.

SI «Institute of Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology of NAMS of Ukraine», Kyiv, Ukraine


The results of dynamic ultrasound diagnosis with the use of food stimulation indicate the gallbladder dysmotility in the group of children with prolonged jaundice and inherent hepatitis. Both groups of children showed a significant lower gallbladder volume being on an empty stomach. This fact indicates its condition in partially reduced state. More significant disturbances had children with inherent hepatitis. We could notice more durable and less intense contractions in response to food stimulation. These facts indicate the necessity of the gallbladder motor function diagnostic of early-aged children with the hepatobiliary system lesions. It is very important for the correction treatment with the inclusion of holikinetic action medicines.


Key words: prolonged conjugation jaundice, inherent hepatitis, ultrasound diagnosis, early-aged children.



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