• The organizational technology of resistance and prevention burnout of medical workers in palliative care 
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The organizational technology of resistance and prevention burnout of medical workers in palliative care 


The organizational technology of resistance and prevention burnout of medical workers in palliative care 

Detsyk O. Z., Zolotarova Jh. M. 

There were interviewed 389 medical staff’s persons on the basis of various health care facilities in Ivano-Frankivsk – 211 medical workers of palliative care constantly contacting with incurable patients, 111 primary care physicians periodically contacting with them, and 67 health care managers, interacting with this group of patients rare. Burnout syndrome was evaluated by the method of V. Boyko.

It was found that more than half (54.0±2.5%) surveyed health care workers suffered of burnout, including high (7.7±1.4%) and critical (9.0±1.5%) levels. Identified in the study factors of social and psychological desadaptation in 1.5-7 times are more frequent among me­dical staff with high and critical levels of the burnout, and therefore, syndrome can serve as indicators for monitoring the quality of staff in health care settings. Developed by results of research screening technology fully meets the screening criteria of WHO, has sufficient sensitivity (69.2%), high specificity (87.4%) and good quality (AUC=0.81±0.05). It should be recommended for health care workers for self diagnosis burnout and monitoring its level among the staff by managers. 

Key words: palliative care, burnout, screening technology. 


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