• The modern view on the endocrine function of the placenta (literature review)
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The modern view on the endocrine function of the placenta (literature review)

PERINATOLOGIYA I PEDIATRIYA. 2016.4(68):33-36; doi 10.15574/PP.2016.68.33 
The modern view on the endocrine function of the placenta (literature review)
Tumanova L. E, Kolomiets О. V.
SI «Institute of Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology of NAMS of Ukraine», Kyiv

The paper summarizes current information about one of the most important functions of the placenta — endocrine. Deals, the main function of the protein hormone 
produced by the placenta. Study of the role of cytokines and growth factors opens a new era in the study of endocrine and immune relationship during pregnancy.

Key words: placental hormones, growth factors, pregnancy.

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