• The menstrual cycle and its relationship with systemic inflammation
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The menstrual cycle and its relationship with systemic inflammation

HEALTH OF WOMAN. 2016.3(109):99–102

The menstrual cycle and its relationship with systemic inflammation

Gopchuk E. N., Gerasimova T. V.

National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education P. L. Shupyk, Kiev

The onset of menstruation is usually associated with a sharp drop in the level of hormones – estrogen and progesterone after regression of the corpus luteum. It has now been found that this reduction of progesterone – a trigger mechanism of degradation / rejection and parallel repair processes subsequent functional layer endometrial – in the endometrium, these processes can be described as hypoxia, and inflammation. The use of NSAIDs remains etiopathogenic importance in the therapy disoders associated with menstruation – primary and secondary dysmenorrhea.

Key words: menstruation, dysmenorrhea, inflammation, NSAIDs, gynecology.


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