• The health and features direction of premature infants to rehabilitation programs during the first three years of life 
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The health and features direction of premature infants to rehabilitation programs during the first three years of life 

SOVREMENNAYA PEDIATRIYA.2015.4(68):33-36; doi 10.15574/SP.2015.68.33 

The health and features direction of premature infants to rehabilitation programs during the first three years of life 

Riga O. O., Gordiienko I. V., Marabyan R. V., Khotsenko G. O., Bezrukova YU.O .

Kharkiv National Medical University, Ukraine

Kharkiv Regional Specialized Orphanage №1

PIHC «Regional Clinical Hospital — Center of Emergency Medical Care and Disaster Medicine» 

The article presents health data, observations during early childhood the infants who were born prematurely. The authors applied analysis features directions of children to rehabilitation programs as an example of the Kharkov region. It has been shown that children received rehabilitation programs in 4.5 months corrected age if they have gestational age 34–37 weeks; 5.2 months — 32–33 week; 5.8 months — 31 — 28 weeks and 10.9 months — less than 28 weeks. 

Key words: premature babies, rehabilitation programs, early age. 


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