• The frequency of polymorphic variants of IL4 (C-589T) and TNFa (G-308A) in infants — passive smokers in the Odessa region, Ukraine 
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The frequency of polymorphic variants of IL4 (C-589T) and TNFa (G-308A) in infants — passive smokers in the Odessa region, Ukraine 

PERINATOLOGIYA I PEDIATRIYA.2015.4(64):82-85; doi 10.15574/PP.2015.64.82 

The frequency of polymorphic variants of IL4 (C-589T) and TNFa (G-308A) in infants — passive smokers in the Odessa region, Ukraine 

Kuzmenko T. V., Aryayev M. L., Senkivska L. I., Lowe John B

Odessa National Medical University, Odessa, Ukraine

University of the Sunshine Coast 

Purpose — to study the effect of passive smoking on infants with pneumonia in the context of the relationship between severity of pneumonia and genetic determinants of inflammatory response. 

Patients and methods. the study was conducted among 150 infants with pneumonia of varying severity. The first group included 50 infants-passive smokers whose mothers smoke, the second group included 50 infants-passive smokers whose mothers did not smoke, but smoke other relatives in the family, the third group included 50 infants with pneumonia of varying severity in families where no one smokes. 

Results. among the infants with pneumonia of varying severity has been found the greatest frequency of heterozygous variant C/T polymorphism of the gene IL-4 (C-589T) — 43% and heterozygous variant G/A polymorphism of the gene TNF- TNF-α (G-308A) — 49%. It was found a high frequency of polymorphism C/T gene IL-4 (C-589T) among infants with IV stage of pneumonia severity, the odds ratio was 3.63 (95% CI 1.08–12.18). It was found a high risk of manifestation of the mutant variant of the gene polymorphism of IL-4 (C-589T) among infants with V stage of pneumonia severity, the odds ratio was 7.0 (95% CI 1.85–26.46). Among infants – passive smokers with V stage of pneumonia severity was found high frequency of polymorphisms heterozygous form of TNF- TNF-α (G-308A), the odds ratio was 3.77 (95% CI 1.31–10.91). Infants – passive smokers with IV stage of pneumonia severity had a high frequency of mutant variant gene polymorphism TNF- TNF-α (G-308A). 

Conclusions. The data suggests the presence of heterozygous and mutant forms of gene polymorphisms in cytokines IL-4 (C-589T) and TNF- TNF-α (G-308A) in infants – passive smokers with IV and V stages of severity that correlated with a more severe course of pneumonia. 

Key words: passive smoking, polymorphisms in cytokines IL-4 (C-589T) and TNF- TNF-α (G-308A), infants. 


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