• The effectiveness of the enzyme lactase drops «Mamalak» with the rotavirus infection among children
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The effectiveness of the enzyme lactase drops «Mamalak» with the rotavirus infection among children

SOVREMENNAYA PEDIATRIYA. 2015.1(65):102-108; doi 10.15574/SP.2015.65.102

The effectiveness of the enzyme lactase drops «Mamalak» with the rotavirus infection among children

Nezgoda І І., Naumenko О.М., Asaulenko А.А., Onofriychuk О.S., Yuzhanina V.М., Brovinska L.М., Sinchuk N.І., Kolyesnik А.М.

Vinnitsa national medical university named after М. І. Pirogov, Ukraine

Objective. To study the effectiveness of the use of «Mamalak» dropping form of the enzyme lactase in the treatment of rotavirus infection in infants.

Patients and methods. A total of 40 patients in the age from 3 months to 1 year with rotavirus infection who were treated with breastfeeding without the addition of low-and lactose-free mixtures were under observation. All children underwent the complex of general clinical examinations. For the establishment of an etiologic factor was used cito TEST ROTA (Pharmasco) with the aim of determination of rotavirus antigen and bacteriological examination of faeces for indication of bacterial flora. Comprehensive treatment of children included basic therapy, according to protocols. Children of the main group (n=20) from the first day of hospital treatment during the feeding had received dropping form of the enzyme lactase «Mamalak» in the age dosage.

Results. The use of the enzyme lactase accelerates the elimination of the main clinical symptoms of RVI in children-vomiting and normalization of stool consistency. Due to the application of «Mamalak» preparation also more quickly normalized indicators of coprocytogram that is certifies about malabsorption syndrome.

Conclusions. The use of lactase enzyme significantly reduces the manifestations of secondary lactase deficiency at the RVI and allow reduces hospital stay.

Key words: rotavirus infection, lactase deficiency, replacement enzymotherapy, breastfeeding, children.

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