• The Comparative characteristic of the clinical and laboratory parameters and outcomes of the bacterial meningitis of different age groups children
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The Comparative characteristic of the clinical and laboratory parameters and outcomes of the bacterial meningitis of different age groups children

SOVREMENNAYA PEDIATRIYA.2014.4(60):31-34;doi 10.15574/SP.2014.60.31

The Comparative characteristic of the clinical and laboratory parameters and outcomes of the bacterial meningitis of different age groups children

Djafarova К. А., Rashidova S. М., Radjabov F. М. 
Azerbaijan Medical University, Baku 
Children's Clinical Hospital named after A.F. Garaev №2, Baku

Purpose: to determine the etiological structure and clinical-laboratory features of the bacterial meningitis (BM) index among different age groups children in an acute period and to identify the implications in catamnesis.

Patients and methods. There were clinical-laboratory and epidemical researches among children from birth to 14 years who had the bacterial meningitis diagnosis. All the patients were divided on three age groups: І — 28 children from birth to 3 years, ІІ — 54 from 4 to 7 years, ІІІ — 54 from 8 tо 14. Catamnesis study was conducted during the year after the discharge.

Results: the dominant children's BM pathogen is N. meningitis (26.09%) and H. Influenzae (13.04%).The BM etiologic structure had changed according to the age. Children older than three years were mainly ailed, among them males 65.8% (81 из 123). In the younger age group it was observed an the acute illness with the residual effects formation. There were changes in laboratory parameters – hemograms (leukocytosis, neutrophilia, the erythrocyte sedimentation rate increasing),the cerebrospinal fluid (high cytosis with neutrophilic character, protein amount increasing, unchanged glucose level), and also in the brain structure and phenomena ventriculitis according to neurosonography data. During the first year after the discharge 31 among 123 who had the pathogens presence in the body had the functional disorders.

Conclusion: the essential differences were set between the age groups in etiology, the intoxication and meningeal duration syndromes, the development incidence of the residual phenomenon.

Key words: bacterial meningitis, meningitis simptoms, hemograms, cerebrospinal fluid, neurosonography.

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