• Teenage aggression as a consequence of improper nutrition
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Teenage aggression as a consequence of improper nutrition

PERINATOLOGIYA AND PEDIATRIYA.2019.1(77):79-84; doi 10.15574/PP.2019.77.79

Denysova M. F., Muzyka N. M.
SI «Institute of Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology after named academician O. Lukyanova of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine», Kyiv

The article offers review of the literature dedicated to the relationship between nutrition and antisocial behavior of teenagers, in particular, their manifestation of aggression. The authors are focused on improper nutrition influence on health and mental activity of teenagers, the role of some nutrients in formation of a child's brain and later intellect and cognitive functions, as well as behavioral responses. The article studies the causes of the «antenatal stress» problem facilitating analysis and substantiation of «nutrition-brain» dependence and currently evolving in neuronutrition science. It is emphasized that the lack of micronutrients leads to reduction in the size of the hippocampus, decrease in proliferation and cell migration activity, which are neuronal precursors in the hippocampus, the part of the brain that is responsible for emotional sphere, memory function, learning ability, etc. Currently there are approaches to reducing the aggressiveness in adolescents by means of diet correction, in particular, by enriching the diet with essential fatty acids, micronutrients, vitamins, which positively affect the manifestations of behavioral reactions in children. The information provided in the literature sources prove the relevancy of scientific researches of improper nutrition role as one of the factors fueling the risk of mental disorder occurrence in teenagers.

Key words: teenagers, aggression, nutrition.


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Article received: Nov 09, 2018. Accepted for publication: Mar 03, 2019.