• Tactics of forecasting of placental dysfunction and fetus arrest of development after auxiliary reproductive technologies
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Tactics of forecasting of placental dysfunction and fetus arrest of development after auxiliary reproductive technologies

HEALTH OF WOMAN. 2019.6(142): 80–83

Ya.A. Ruban
Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Kiev

The objective: to develop modern tactics of forecasting of placental dysfunction and a fetus arrest of development after auxiliary reproductive technologies.
Materials and methods. The controlled research as a result of which two groups are created was conducted: 1 group was made by 190 patients with one-fetal pregnancy which was caused by application of methods of auxiliary reproductive technologies. The control group was made by 30 patients with one-fetal pregnancy which came independently, they were under immediate observation from early durations of gestation. At these patients profound clinical-laboratory and functional examination according to the uniform standard was conducted.
Results. The received results allowed to create complex of rules of the forecast of placental dysfunction and fetus arrest of development at one-fetal pregnancy after auxiliary genesial technologies on the basis of parameters of ultrasonic and gemostaziological researches. Calculation of probability of placental dysfunction and an arrest of development of fetus is carried out individual for every week of pregnancy with 6 on 17 inclusive in the way on the basis of developed in the course of research, informative markers for this term.
Conclusion. Application of the developed complex of rules allows to prognosticate effectively placental dysfunction and fetus arrest of development before emergence of its clinical implications and in due time to apply measures of prophylaxis of this complication of pregnancy. The received results grant to us the right to recommend the developed technique in practical health care.
Key words: placental dysfunction, fetus arrest of development, forecasting.


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