• Tactic of nonspecific vulvovaginitis treatment after ineffectiveness of local treatment
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Tactic of nonspecific vulvovaginitis treatment after ineffectiveness of local treatment

HEALTH OF WOMAN.2015.1(97):61-63 

Tactic of nonspecific vulvovaginitis treatment after ineffectiveness of local treatment 

Gopchuk E. N., Morozova O. V.

National medical Academy of postgraduate education named after P. L. Shupyk, Kiev

Women's consultation Pechersk district, Kyiv 

Nonspecific vulvovaginitis is one of the most common reasons for women admission for medical treatment. Self-medication, especially formulations for local treatment, are easily recommended in pharmacy stores, but reduce the possibility of a rational and timely therapy, due to changes in response to drug therapy, and imbalance of vaginal microbiocenosis. Optimal antimicrobial therapy in outpatient treatment of nonspecific infections of urogenital tract are quinolones. Quinolones combination with tinidazole are helpful in complicated vulvovaginitis. Based on the own study we have concluded that Ciprolet A is an effective treatment of nonspecific vulvovaginitis after failure of local therapy on nonspecific vulvovaginitis. 

Key words: сiprofloksacin, Ciprolet A, treatment, vulvovaginitis. 


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