• Standardized extract of Hibiscus in the prevention and treatment of gestational edema and asymptomatic bacteriuria during pregnancy 
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Standardized extract of Hibiscus in the prevention and treatment of gestational edema and asymptomatic bacteriuria during pregnancy 

HEALTH OF WOMAN. 2016.1(107):53–60 

Standardized extract of Hibiscus in the prevention and treatment of gestational edema and asymptomatic bacteriuria during pregnancy 

Shurpyak S. A., Pyrohova V. I.

Lviv national medical University named Danylo Galitsky 

Gestational edema necessitates careful medical supervision, since 20–25% of pregnant women to edema syndrome join other manifestations, constitute a symptom of pre-eclampsia or infections of the urinary system. 

The purpose of research: the study of the effectiveness phytopreparation AflazinTM in pregnant women with asymptomatic bacteriuria and gestational edema. 

Material and methods. We observed 106 pregnant women aged 20 to 35 years. The examination included the study of history, body mass index, body mass dynamics control, gynecological and obstetric examination, the common blood and urine tests, direct microscopic and bacteriological examination of urine in the dynamics, the study of the state of the vaginal microbiota. The diagnosis of asymptomatic bacteriuria (WB) is set in accordance with the existing guidelines IDSA.

Group I includes 36 pregnant women with asymptomatic bacteriuria (CFUі105 in 1 ml), which were divided into two subgroups: subgroup IA (16) received AflazinTM 1 capsule 2 times a day, 14 days, ІF (20) – fosfomycin trometamol 3 g once. The second group consisted of 40 pregnant women with «low2 asymptomatic bacteriuria (103–104 CFU/mL), in a subgroup IIC (20) no treatment, IIA subgroup (20) received AflazinTM 1 capsule 2 times a day for 14 days. To identify relapse asymptomatic bacteriuria repeat urine culture was performed in 26–28 weeks of pregnancy. 

Results. For pregnant women with «low» asymptomatic bacteriuria (103–104 CFU/mL) characterized the growth of bacterial contamination of urine (і105 CFU / mL), and the risk of gestational pyelonephritis with increasing gestational age. 14-day course of preventive drug therapy AflazinTM can prevent the progression of urinary tract infections. The effectiveness of monotherapy drug AflazinTM asymptomatic bacteriuria is 75%, which can be recommended as an alternative high-performance treatment of asymptomatic bacteriuria. 

Conclusion. The positive results of Aflazin preparation containing proprietary standardized extract of Hibiscus ElliroseТМ can be recommended as the drug of choice to eliminate edema in pregnant women and treatment of asymptomatic bacteriuria in the absence of conditions or contraindications to the use of antibiotic therapy. 

Key words: gestational edema, pregnancy, asymptomatic bacteriuria, proprietary standardized extract of Hibiscus, АflazinТМ. 


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