• Sporadic and miscarriage – modern world approaches to diagnosis and treatment (System overview)
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Sporadic and miscarriage – modern world approaches to diagnosis and treatment (System overview)

HEALTH OF WOMAN. 2017.10(126):122–127

Shurpyak S. O., Pirogova V. I.
Lviv national medical University named Danylo Galitsky

In the modern world problem of sporadic and habitual miscarriage does not lose its relevance. Despite numerous studies of etiology and pathogenesis of pregnancy loss, there are many questions that still need answers.
The objective of this systematic review is to provide clinicians with a short document based on current scientific evidence, evidence-based medicine and world clinical protocols, concludes with an actual knowledge of the role of progesterone in implantation physiology, and also directs the potential and proper use of progesterone and progestogens for the treatment of LFD and the threat of interruption pregnancy in a variety of clinical settings. Since the current role of progesterone as one of the most important hormones, provides early support for pregnancy is beyond doubt.
Data from modern world researches that we analysed show that natural micronized progesterone should be the drug of choice in the treatment of habitual miscarriage associated with LFD.
Key words: micronized natural progesterone, miscarriage, LFD, vaginal route of administration, sublingual route of administration, progesterone.


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