• Smoking and chronic gastroduodenal pathology in children 
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Smoking and chronic gastroduodenal pathology in children 

SOVREMENNAYA PEDIATRIYA.2015.6(70):74-78; doi 10.15574/SP.2015.70.74 

Smoking and chronic gastroduodenal pathology in children 

Bobrova V. I., Proshchenko J. I.

National medical university named after O.O. Bogomolets, Kyiv, Ukraine 

Aim of investigation. To learn clinical and morphological features of chronic gastroduodenal pathology in children who smoke. 

Patient and methods. We observed 136 children with chronic gastroduodenal pathology. For determination diagnosis of chronic gastroduodenal pathology all children has endoscopy and Рh!metric with morphological investigation mucosa membrane of stomach and duodenum. For evaluation protective mucosa barer we perform coloring biopsies on neutral and acid mucopolysacharids, immunohystochemical reaction on prostaglandin E and spectrofotometric investigation on nitric oxid. 

Results. This article shows clinical and morphological features of chronic gastroduodenal pathology in children who smoke. According to data, in children who smoke chronic gastroduodenal pathology prevails with high degree of inflammation of mucosa membrane against the background of violations of microcirculation and decrease level of neutral mucopolysacharids and prostaglandin E expression in mucosa membrane and decrease level of nitric oxid. 

Conclusion. Smoking cause disbalanse between protective and aggression factors, what perform influence on process of chronic gastrodudenal pathology. 

Key words: children, chronic gastroduodenal pathology, inflamation. 


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