• Role of genetic infringements in патогенезе and a clinical current adenomyose and endometrioma
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Role of genetic infringements in патогенезе and a clinical current adenomyose and endometrioma

HEALTH OF WOMAN. 2016.5(111):113–116 

Role of genetic infringements in патогенезе and a clinical current adenomyose and endometrioma 

Prudnikov P. M.

Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Kiev, Ukraine

The objective: role definition complex variants of genotypes in patogenesise and clinical current adenomyose and endometrioma ovariums.

Patients and methods. 100 women with genital endometriosis and 50 women without the given disease are surveyed. The group 1 was made by 50 women with adenomyose, middle age has made them – 44.9±0.7 years, group 2 50 women with endometrioma ovariums have made, middle age 32.6±0.8 years. From them 10 patients with relapse endometrioma ovariums after the combined treatment. The diagnosis at all patients is verified intraoperative and by results of histologic research. The control group has been generated from 50 women at which inspection has been excluded genital endometriosis, without clinical displays of infringements ovariale-menstruale functions, at the age from 17 till 35 years.

Results. Do not reveal association of zero genotypes on separate genes GSTT1 and GSTM1 with endometrioma ovariums and ademyose whereas, at the analysis of combinations of «functionally weakened» genotypes on the studied genes accurate correlation between development adenomyose and presence of genotype GSTT1 0/0 + GSTM1 0/0 is found out. Correlation делеций genes GST T1 and GSTM1 with some clinical displays of disease, such as barreness and infringement menstrual functions is noted also.

Conclusion. Apparently, in the absence of activity of enzymes of the second phase of system detoxication such as gljutation-S-transferazy there is a balance infringement between the first and second phase, accumulation active metabolites which promotes development oxydantive stress, lead to damage of fabrics and as consequence to more expressed clinical displays of disease. The received results are necessary for considering by working out of algorithm of diagnostic and treatment-and-prophylactic actions.

Key words: ademyose, endometrioma, clinic, genetics.


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