• The role of microbiome in the formation of child health (literature review)
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The role of microbiome in the formation of child health (literature review)

Modern pediatrics. Ukraine. 2019.5(101):64-111; doi 10.15574/SP.2019.101.64
D.S. Yankovsky, V.P. Shirobokov, G.S. Dyment
Scientific Production Company О.D. Prolisok, Kyiv, Ukraine
Bogomolets National Medical University, Kyiv, Ukraine

For citation: Yankovsky DS, Shirobokov VP, Dyment GS. (2019). The role of microbiome in the formation of child health (literature review). Modern Pediatrics.Ukraine. 5(101): 64-111. doi 10.15574/SP.2019.101.64
Article received: Apr 04, 2019. Accepted for publication: Aug 20, 2019.

The review is devoted to the microbiome interactions with physiologic and pathologic processes that have place during child organism development. Modern data concerning the questions of the microbiome formation in children are examined, beginning from the intrauterine fetus development and further during the process of ontogenesis. Characteristics of the microbiota content and functional activity in infants are presented. Influence of changed microbiota on the disease development in the child age is described. Analysis of the data available is performed with appreciation of medicines used for the improvement of microbiome health at different forms of child pathology.
No conflict of interest was declared by the authors.
Key words: microbiome, microbiota, metabolites, diseases, inflammation, dysbiosis, immunity, probiotics, prebiotics, synbiotics, enterosorbent.


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