• Risk factors of early preterm labor in single-pregnant women after assisted reproductive technologies
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Risk factors of early preterm labor in single-pregnant women after assisted reproductive technologies

HEALTH OF WOMAN. 2018.3(129):128–131; doi 10.15574/HW.2018.129.128

Mandrykova A. S.
Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Kiev

The objective: determination of risk factors of early preterm labor in single-pregnant women after ART on the basis of clinical and anamnestic data.
Materials and methods. We study of 130 single-pregnancy pregnancies among the contingent of women with restored fertility after the use of therapeutic ART programs, which ended with early preterm labor. Group I consisted of 50 pregnant women with premature rupture of the membranes for which the tactics of pregnancy with were born by natural way. The second group consisted of 30 pregnant women with premature rupture of the membranes, who carried out general medical and prophylactic measures in accordance with the clinical protocols in accordance with the orders of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine. The control group (GC) has formed 50 pregnant women with early preterm labor with unbroken integrity of the membranes.
Results. The retrospective analysis of the methods of fertility restoration in women who were included in the study, carried out by us, indicates the probable relationship of risk of early preterm labor with the ICSI method. The obtained data testify that pregnancy 42.5% of women of the main group, who was chosen ICSI technique ended with early preterm labor. In the contingent of patients whose pregnancy came with IVF, the percentage early preterm labor was 37.5 (р<0.05).
The obtained results of researches testify to increase of risks early preterm labor (22.1–29.7%) in patients with chronic inflammatory diseases of the urinary system, which had a latent course.
Conclusions. Among the reliable factors of early preterm labor risk, it is necessary to note the high frequency of intrauterine manipulations of diagnostic and therapeutic nature in the use of ART, which results in receptor dysfunction of the endometrium.
Key words: risk factors of early preterm labor, assistive reproductive technologies, ICSI, IVF, premature rupture of the membranes, dysfunction of the endometrium.


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