• The research of the effectiveness of an implementation of a preventive program of common dental diseases during pregnancy
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The research of the effectiveness of an implementation of a preventive program of common dental diseases during pregnancy

SOVREMENNAYA PEDIATRIYA.2017.1(81):110-116; doi 10.15574/SP.2017.81.110

Kuzmina V., Yakubova I.
Private Higher Educational Institution «Kyiv Medical University UANM», Ukraine

Women during their pregnancy are at a risk group of primary dental diseases — the dental caries and the periodontal tissue inflammation. These pathological processes are dangerous not only for their oral cavity and for women in general, but for their unborn child as well. Therefore, the clinical observation of the pregnant women at the dentist is actual and very important for the early detection of risk factors of the dental disease, giving effect to a timely examination and a professional oral hygiene, a prevention and a rehabilitation.

The aim of the research was to assess the effectiveness of the preventive program of common dental diseases in the pregnant women.

Material and methods. A group of 67 pregnant women aged 18–34 years was under the observation. After completing the survey and documentation, the women were divided into main (MG, n=34) and control (KG, n=33) group of the pregnant women. A program of the prevention of common dental diseases was implemented in the MG. A monitoring of the KG was conducted by the standard procedure.

Results and discussion. During the primary dental survey in the MG the caries intensity amounted about 9.67 of tooth, the intensity of the caries in KG was — 9.65 of tooth. At the late pregnancy the index value of DMF was increased to 9.97 of tooth in the MG, whereas in the KG — to 11.03 of tooth. At the beginning of the observation the Hygienic Index OHI$S in MG was 1.79 points, and in the KG was 1.76 points. At the late pregnancy it was observed a significant decrease of the hygienic index up to 1.06 points in the MG, whereas in the KG — indicators rose and made 2.08 points. At baseline indicators PMA in the MG were 20.45% and 18.72% in KG. In the late pregnancy rates of index PMA tended to decrease in the MG (11.68%) in contrast with the KG where it rose to 25.34%.

Conclusions. As a result of the program of the prevention of common dental diseases in pregnancy there was a decrease of the dental caries in 5.1 times, the oral health status improved twice and the periodontal status got better 2.2 times comparable with those of pregnant women who were monitored for the standard procedure.

Key words: prevention, pregnant women, the intensity of dental caries, oral hygiene, gingivitis.


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