• Repeated cesarean section: diagnostics and preventive maintenance perinatal pathologies, restoration of reproductive health 
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Repeated cesarean section: diagnostics and preventive maintenance perinatal pathologies, restoration of reproductive health 

HEALTH OF WOMAN.2015.3(99):153–155; doi 10.15574/HW.2015.99.153 

Repeated cesarean section: diagnostics and preventive maintenance perinatal pathologies, restoration of reproductive health 

Vdovichenko J. P., Shlapak I. M.

National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education P. L. Shupyk, Kiev 

Results of the spent researches testify to possibility of expansion of indications for independent delivery women with hem on uterus without deterioration perinatal results of delivery. The complex, stage-by-stage approach with use of clinical and additional methods of research allows allocate patients for natural delivery after the first cesarean section, and since stage of female consultation and finishing obstetrical hospital. Wide introduction of the received results will allow, in our opinion, to keep reproductive health of women at simultaneous improvement perinatal results and postnatal adaptations of newborns. 

Key words: cesarean section, perinatal pathology, reproductive function. 


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