• Psychosomatic characteristic of realization of mechanisms of psychological defence in women of fertile age
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Psychosomatic characteristic of realization of mechanisms of psychological defence in women of fertile age

HEALTH OF WOMAN. 2018.3(129):114–117; doi 10.15574/HW.2018.129.114

Podolsky Vl. V., Podolsky V. V.
SI «Institute of Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine», Kiev

The article describes the characteristics of the basic mechanisms of psychological defence and the possibility of implementation of the diagnosis of the implementation of these mechanisms in the practice of a doctor obstetrician-gynecologist.
Given the presence of distress in many Ukrainian women and the lack of regular contact with a physician, the problem of the relationship between a doctor and a patient is becoming more and more relevant. At the time of the visit to the doctor, and most often before such a visit – a patient who is in contact with the onset of obstetric and gynecological diseases or with the aggravation of chronic conditions, mechanisms of psychological protection, aimed at reducing the level of general stress and rational use of internal reserves of the body, are triggered. The first patient contract with a physician is substantially complicated by the implementation of protective mechanisms of the psyche, which extends the time a physician has to spend on communicating with the patient, and moral and intellectual efforts aimed at collecting the history, diagnosis and appointment of treatment.
Key words: women of fertile age, mechanisms of psychological defence, psychosomatics.


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