• Prospects in the prevention of HIV transmission from mother to child 
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Prospects in the prevention of HIV transmission from mother to child 

PERINATOLOGIYA I PEDIATRIYA.2015.3(63):34-37; doi 10.15574/PP.2015.63.34 

Prospects in the prevention of HIV transmission from mother to child 

Zhilka N. Ya., Orlova E. A.

P.L. Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate, Kyiv, Ukraine

Ministry of Health of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine 

Objective: to determine the prospects in the prevention of HIV transmission from mother to child. 

Methods: structural and logical analysis, system approach and the comparative analysis. 

Results. Prevention of HIV transmission from mother to child at the primary level of medical care to the population through the use of preventive technologies long before the pregnancy at all the family will help to improve the health of HIV-infected women. In case of use of all guidelines of the World Health Organization according to the modern approaches of use of contraception will affect reducing the number of unwanted pregnancies in HIV-infected women. All aforesaid will be essential for preventing HIV-infection in children. 


Conclusions. Prospects for the prevention of HIV in infants are in promotion of healthy lifestyles in the family in order to prevent sexually-transmitted infections, drug use, HIV infection and the use of modern approaches to family planning in HIV-infected women. 

Key words: organization of medical care, HIV-infection, prevention, family planning, WHO. 


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