• Progesterone and the risk of late complications of pregnancy 
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Progesterone and the risk of late complications of pregnancy 

HEALTH OF WOMAN. 2015.8(104):106–109 

Progesterone and the risk of late complications of pregnancy 

Nazarenko L., Nikifor L.

Kharkiv medical Academy of postgraduate education

Bukovinian state medical University, Chernivtsi 

The purpose of research – assessment of the effectiveness of progesterone support in women with late complications of pregnancy, with signs of fetoplacental dysfunction. The study involved 65 women with clinically outlined fetoplacental pathology – IUGR I-II (15), oligogidgamnion (20), a combination (25), hypoplasia of the placenta (5), starting with the 24–27 week period. Before treatment, pharmacological tests were carried out to assess the potential benefits of progesterone support by investigating the effect of sublingual form of progesterone in the blood flow in the structures of utero-placental-fetal vascular bed. The positive effect of the use of progesterone in the incidence of preterm labor women with late pregnancy complications associated with fetoplacental dysfunction. Progesterone significant effect when used in the 2nd half of pregnancy on perinatal mortality, neonatal morbidity not established. It is concluded that the prospects for further research on large clinical material, in a randomized format. 

Key words: progesterone, pregnancy complications, premature birth. 


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