• Prevention, diagnosis and treatment of abscesses and infiltrate of the abdomen in children 
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Prevention, diagnosis and treatment of abscesses and infiltrate of the abdomen in children 


SOVREMENNAYA PEDIATRIYA.2015.5(69):64-68; doi 10.15574/SP.2015.69.64 

Prevention, diagnosis and treatment of abscesses and infiltrate of the abdomen in children 

Demidenko Yu. G.

Chernihiv Regional Children's Hospital, Ukraine 

Objective. To improve the results of treatment of children with acute surgical disorders by the way of improving diagnostic procedures and surgical techniques and also postoperative rehabilitation of patients. 

Patients and methods. Results of treatment of 261 children with circumscribed forms of peritonitis are analyzed. The main group consisted of children who were treated in 2004-2013 years, control group – in the 1994-2003 years. For all children was used a set of clinical and laboratory investigations, including determination of leukocyte indices. For the improvement of the early diagnosis of abscesses and infiltrates of the abdomen were used ultrasonography, computed tomography and laparoscopy. 

Results. In children were dominate primary circumscribed peritonitis – 196 (75%) patients. As in primary so in secondary delineated peritonitis were predominated early forms of the disease. Abdominal abscesses in children dominated in 184 (70.5%) patients, and infiltrates diagnosed in 77 (29.5%) patients. The development of complications of peritonitis most often occurs in the age period from 11 to 14 years – 99 (37.9%) children. Infiltrates and abdominal abscesses in 1.5 times more often occur in boys. 

Conclusions. The clinical picture of peritonitis often has disguised character that requires additional methods of examination. The use of clinical and laboratory, modern radiological diagnostic methods allow improved the results of the diagnosis and treatment of patients and significantly reduce the number of postoperative septic complications. 

Key words: acute appendicitis, abdominal abscess, infiltration of the abdominal cavity, delimited peritonitis. 


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