• Prediction of the effectiveness of rehabilitation programs for premature very low and extremely low birth weight infants
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Prediction of the effectiveness of rehabilitation programs for premature very low and extremely low birth weight infants

SOVREMENNAYA PEDIATRIYA.2017.8(88):40-44; doi 10.15574/SP.2017.88.40

Boyarska L. N., Velykanova T. V., Podlyanova O. I., Sergeeva L. N.
Zaporizhzhya State Medical University, Zaporizhzhya, Ukraine

The prediction problem of long-term outcomes of premature very low (VLBW) and extremely low birth weight (ELBW) infants' development and health status continue to be relevant.
Objective: to determine the prognostic factors of the premature infants' health deterioration, to determine a forecast model of the neurological condition and assessing the need for prolonged rehabilitation.
Material and methods. There were 70 children under the catamnestic observation during the first three years of their life (26 out of them with ELBW and 44 with VLBW). Neurological status was studied using the NACS scale.
Results. Children were divided into two groups of comparison: Group 1 was comprised of 32 children, who received rehabilitation on the basis of the Regional Centre of Early Social Rehabilitation, and Group 2, which consisted of 38 children, treated at the Centre of Primary Health and Social Care. A significant factor concerning the prognosis of the rehabilitation outcomes was the score on the C. Amiel-Tison scale (1982). A paired linear regression model describing the dependence of neurological condition prediction at the age of three years on the Amiel-Tison scores at the age of 3.6 months was obtained. A multiple linear regression model describing the dependence of neurological condition prediction at the age of three years on the Amiel-Tison scores at the age of 3.6 and 10.5 months was obtained as well.
Conclusions. The Amiel-Tison scores at the age of 3.6 and 10.5 months for VLBW and ELBW infants are strongly predictive for neurological condition at the age of three years. The proposed two models of prediction of their neurological status allow estimating at the age of 12 month the need for further rehabilitation prolongation, correction of its techniques at the appropriate times.
Key words: infants, very low birth weight, extremely low birth weight, prognosis, neurologic status.


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