• Preculiarities of microbiocenosis of sexual organs in women suffering from uterine leiomyoma
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Preculiarities of microbiocenosis of sexual organs in women suffering from uterine leiomyoma

HEALTH OF WOMAN. 2018.1(127):89–91; doi 10.15574/HW.2018.127.89

Zaporozhchenko M. B., Parubina D. Y., Sidorenko A. V.
Odessa national medical University

Infections of the genital tract are recognized as one of the trigger factors of uterine myoma. There is a possible connection between the clinical course of uterine fibroids and the presence of urinary tract infections.
The objective: was to investigate the peculiarities of the microbiocenosis of the genital organs of women suffering from uterine leiomyoma.
Materials and methods. Under observation were 30 practically healthy women – group I (control), 108 women with clinically asymptomatic leiomyoma of the uterus – group IIA (main) and group IIB – 108 women who suffered from uterine leiomyoma with clinically symptomatic course. The degree of purity of the vagina was determined. The microscopic characteristics of the vaginal biocenosis were evaluated as: 1) normocenosis; 2) intermediate type; 3) vaginal dysbiosis 4) vaginitis (inflammatory type of smear).
Results. In women of the main group, the II–II degree of purity of the vagina predominated: 86.1% in women of the IIA group and 85.2% in the IIB. Normocenosis was diagnosed in 13.4% of cases, the intermediate type – 46.8%, vaginal dysbiosis diagnosed – in 39.4%, vaginitis (inflammatory type of smear) in 10.2%. n the study material from the vagina in the group IIA dominated Gardnerella vaginalis (31.5%), Mycoplasma hominis (17.6%), Mobilincus (14.8%), in the group IIB – Candida albicans (33.3%), Enterococcus fec. (25.0%).
Conclusion. In the algorithm for examining women with leiomyoma of the uterus, it is advisable to include screening of urogenital infections and the definition of the genital biocenosis.
Key words: microbiocenosis of the sexual organs of women, uterine leiomyoma.


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