• Posthisterektomichni infringement, prevention and diagnostics 
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Posthisterektomichni infringement, prevention and diagnostics 

HEALTH OF WOMAN.2016.7(113):52–54 

Posthisterektomichni infringement, prevention and diagnostics 

Gavrilyuk G., Makarchuk O.

Ivano-Frankivsk national medical University

The presented scientific facts require further study not only the immediate postoperative, but long-term results of surgical treatment of uterine fibroids, including both objective and subjective evaluation of the patient consequences of surgery.

The objective: evaluation of individual indicators of metabolic homeostasis in patients with uterine cancer after surgical her health and their role in the development and demonstration posthisterektomy symptom syndrome.

Patients and methods. A comprehensive examination and surgical treatment of 60 women of reproductive age with uterine cancer who performed hysterectomy with preservation applications. The control group included 20 somatically healthy women. Used conventional clinical laboratory tests, laboratory evaluation of hormonal status, lipid profile, the character of the distribution of fat and degree of obesity by body mass index, ultrasound (US) of the pelvis, liver, kidney, thyroid, mammary glands. Measure your performance held immediately after surgery, 6, 12 months and after 3 and 5 years after surgery.

Results. After 12 months, especially after 3–5 years after surgery seen a progressive deterioration of the ovaries, which appear to reduce their volume ultrasound by reducing the number and size of follicles, deterioration of blood supply to the ovaries, reducing blood flow to the internal iliac artery basin, especially in women who have had a total hysterectomy with the growth of these data for 5 years after surgery. It should also be noted in long term progressive gipoestrogen after hysterectomy, and found a clear correlation with the age of the woman, who conducted the operation. Overall, the analysis of indicators of hormonal profile of women with the syndrome manifestations posthisterektomy 5 years after the operation is set to 36.66% of the cases statistically significant increase in prolactin levels at 40.00% – gipoestrogen and 46.66% of patients – signs of hyperandrogenism confirmed laboratory criteria. Women aged 29–35 years, 3–5 years after hysterectomy reduction in estradiol levels observed in 36.66%, increased FSH in 26.66% of cases, while in the age group over 40 is increasing twice the percentage of patients with impaired steroidogenesis. Deterioration of anatomical and functional state of ovarian development gipoestrogen clinically manifested in women of this age group in the remote postoperative menopausal symptoms more pronounced In total hysterectomy with the appearance of neurovegetative, psycho-emotional disorders and increased anxiety.

Conclusion. Thus, we can conclude that total or subtotal hysterectomy is «traumatic» surgery, as well as contributes to the violation sophisticated neuroendocrine relations system hypothalamus–pituitary–ovarian–bark adrenal glands – the thyroid gland and affects the blood supply, innervation, limfoutflow in the pelvic floor in connection with what is polygland postoperative syndromes and multisystem.

Key words: hysterectomy, posthisterektomy syndrome hipoestrohenemia, geodynamics ovaries.


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