• Polycystic ovary syndrome and functional hyperprolactinemia
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Polycystic ovary syndrome and functional hyperprolactinemia

HEALTH OF WOMAN. 2019.7(143): 16–21; doi 10.15574/HW.2019.143.16

V.A. Zabolotnov, V.I. Shatilo, O.A. Khvatova, Y.P. Szegedina
Zhytomyr Medical Institute

In 30–50% of women with PCOS, functional hyperprolactinemia is detected. In assisting women with PCOS and functional hyperherolactinemia, an integrated approach is required, both in diagnosis and treatment. The use of Mastodinon®, Cyclodinon® preparations containing the exact dosing amount of Vitex agnus-castus in women with PCOS and functional hyperheprolactinemia positively affects the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian axis and corrects the main clinical symptoms, prevents the occurrence of hyperplastic processes in the genitals, and increases fertility.
Key words: polycystic ovary syndrome, functional hyperprolactinemia, Vitex agnus-castus, Mastodynon®, Cyclodynon®.


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