• Phytoestrogens and their effect on the health of women in the period of menopause (Literature review)
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Phytoestrogens and their effect on the health of women in the period of menopause (Literature review)

HEALTH OF WOMAN. 2017.10(126):128–132

Gordeeva G. D., Tovstanovskaya V. A., Ter-Tumasova A. G.
National Medical University named after А.А. Bogomolets, city of Kiev
Medical Center «HEALTHY AND HAPPY», Kiev

The article contains a review of the literature devoted to the problem of the effect of phytoestrogens (PE) on the health of a woman during menopause. The aspects of their mechanism of action are considered. Data on the effectiveness of the use of preparations containing PE in the complex treatment of climacteric disorders are given.
Key words: phytoestrogens, climacteric disorders in women.


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