• The optimization ways of pregnancy and labor management tactics in women after application of assisted reproductive technologies
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The optimization ways of pregnancy and labor management tactics in women after application of assisted reproductive technologies

HEALTH OF WOMAN. 2017.9(125):111–113

Vygivska L. M., Nykoniuk T. R., Oleshko V. F.
Bogomolets national medical university, Kyiv

Optimization of pregnancy and labor management tactics in women after the application of assisted reproductive technologies (ART) at the present stage is the key to reduce the frequency of obstetric and perinatal complications and their prevention.
The objective: to decrease the frequency of miscarriage and perinatal complications in women after ART application on base of clinic-psychological and laboratory-instrumental studies, optimization of the diagnostic and medical-preventive activities complex.
Materials and methods. Complex prospective and laboratory-instrumental study of 250 pregnant women and their newborns was conducted. 200 of these pregnant women were after ART application. The main group was formed by 100 pregnant women to who were applied our optimized diagnostic and medical-preventive activities complex to. The comparison group consisted of 100 pregnant women after ART application that was managed with the conventional antenatal care algorithm. The control group was formed by 50 healthy pregnant women with physiological course of the first pregnancy. Monitoring groups were comprised according to the age, parity and health.
Results. The obtained results indicate a high risk of obstetric and perinatal pathology development in women after the ART application. An ineffective individual preparation of the married couples to labors, chronic psycho-emotional stress on the background of the complicated obstetric and gynecological anamnesis and extragenital pathology in pregnant women after the ART application determines the high frequency of pregnancy miscarriage in the I trimester of pregnancy, late gestosis and functional state violations of the fetoplacental complex. All above mentioned factors contribute to the increase of perinatal loss level and the assessment of operative methods of delivery.
Conclusions. An application of the improved complex of diagnostic and medical-preventive activities in women after the ART application allows to reduce the frequency of spontaneous abortions from 33.0% to 8.7%; preterm labors from 7.8% to 3.2%; placental dysfunctions – from 56.0% to 38.0%; caesarean sections – from 83.0% to 50.5%; perinatal losses – from 34.0‰ to 15.2‰.
Key words: pregnancy, labors, assisted reproductive technologies.


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