• Optimization of tactics of auxiliary genesial technologies at married couples with the burdened genetic anamnesis
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Optimization of tactics of auxiliary genesial technologies at married couples with the burdened genetic anamnesis

HEALTH OF WOMAN. 2018.8(134):103–106; doi 10.15574/HW.2018.134.103
Darii O. S.
Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Kiev

The objective: rising of efficiency of treatment of sterility at married couples with the burdened genetic anamnesis on the basis of scientific justification and introduction of advanced algorithm of prognostic and treatment-and-prophylactic actions.

Materials and methods. For the purpose of detection of risk factors of development of sterility and carrying out the correlation analysis were allocated the main group – 100 married couples with sterility in the anamnesis and control group of patients who had labors (n=100) in the anamnesis. The complex of the conducted researches included clinical, laboratory, tool and statistical methods of research.

Results. Rising of efficiency of treatment of sterility at married couples with the burdened genetic anamnesis requires carrying out medicogenetic consultation with simultaneous planned preimplantation genetic research in programs of auxiliary genesial technologies. At a choice of this or that method of auxiliary genesial technologies at women with the burdened genetic anamnesis it is necessary to use a technique at which one spermatozoon is entered into an oocyte cytoplasma by means of equipment of a micromanipulation. In the program of training of doctors the obstetrician-gynecologists and urologists of an out-patient link it is necessary to loop thematic improvement concerning sterility treatment at married couples with use of auxiliary genesial technologies.

Conclusion. Results of the conducted researches testify to need of rising of efficiency of auxiliary genesial technologies at married couples with the burdened genetic anamnesis. Use by our algorithm of prognostic and treatment-and-prophylactic actions allows to increase efficiency of auxiliary genesial technologies at married couples with the burdened genetic anamnesis for 26.7%.

Key words: sterility at married couples, the auxiliary genesial technologies, the burdened genetic anamnesis.


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