• Optimization of sonographic criteria uterine fibroids to determine the possibility of ultrasound ablation
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Optimization of sonographic criteria uterine fibroids to determine the possibility of ultrasound ablation

HEALTH OF WOMAN. 2015.9(105):119–122; doi 10.15574/HW.2015.105.119

Optimization of sonographic criteria uterine fibroids to determine the possibility of ultrasound ablation

Kozarenko T. M., Karacharov I. Y.

SI «Institute of nuclear medicine and radiation diagnostics of NAMS of Ukraine», Kyiv

Kyiv city clinical cancer center, nuclear medicine Center

Uterine fibroid is the most widespread innocent tumour among the women genital zone tumours. Ultra-sound ablation by high-intensity focused ultra-sound (HIFU – High Intensity Focused Ultrasound) which is the unique noninvasive distant method of destruction neoplasms namely uterine fibroid takes an important place in the uterine fibroid treatment.

As HIFU ablation is carried out under an ultrasound control in the real time regime the success of ablation realization directly depends on accuracy of carrying out the echography investigation of women before the procedure. That is exactly why there is a necessity to improve the approach for sonographic diagnosis of uterine fibroid.

Research objective. To develop ultrasound criteria for uterine fibroid in order to carry out the ultrasound ablation.

The resources and methods. The research was carried out on the basis of the Kyiv City Oncology Centre. HIFU ablation of neoplasms uterine fibroid was made on JC Haifu device. We investigated 52 patient disease histories with uterine fibroid. The age of the women with symptomatic uterine fibroid diagnosis ranged from 26 to 44 years old, the average age was 36,4±2,8 years.

Results and discussion. Patients with fibroids uterine transabdominal sonography was performed to determine the location, structure and characteristics of uterine fibroid vascularization nodes. But the most important transabdominal sonography was in determining the acoustic path ultrasonic waves as medical simulation, evaluating anatomic-topographic relationship with the authorities and the bone structure of the pelvis, performed measuring the distance from uterine fibroid node to the sacrum, pubis, intestine and skin. During transvaginal examination we solved the structure of host features vascularization.

Conclusions. We determined that the use proposed in the sonographic criteria allowed to optimize and improve the selection of patients with uterine fibroids junction before the ultrasound ablation.

Keywords: uterine fibroids , ultrasound ablation , prevention, treatment.


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