• New approaches in complex therapy of inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs in women of reproductive age
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New approaches in complex therapy of inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs in women of reproductive age

HEALTH OF WOMAN. 2017.2(118):41–44; doi 10.15574/HW.2017.118.41

Grischenko O. V., Kozub T. A.
Kharkiv medical Academy of postgraduate education
Kharkiv national University named after V. N. Karazin

The objective: to study the efficacy of complex treatment of inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs (vaginitis), occurring in conjunction with urinary tract infection (cystitis), with a combined medication of plant origin Tutukon produced by Miguel and Garriga, S. A. ("Grand medical Group AG", Spain/Switzerland) in women of reproductive age.

Patients and methods. Were examined 60 women of reproductive age with the presence of vaginitis and associated cystitis. All the patients were divided into two clinical groups. In group I (control; n=30) treatment was carried out according to the standard scheme with the use of antimicrobial drugs, antispasmodics, local antiseptics for the sanitation of the vagina. In group II (study group; n=30) treatment was carried out according to the standard scheme with the inclusion of the drug Tutukon. All the patients were examined at 3-rd, 7-th, 10-th day of treatment and 30 days after discontinuation of therapy.

Results. During the research was given the analysis of the dynamics of clinical and laboratory parameters in women of both groups before and after treatment. In patients of study group, the standard therapy which included Tutukon, the treatment was more effective than in patients of control group: a rapid onset of clinical effect, reducing the duration of the disease, a complete clinical response in 90% of cases versus 63%, alkalization of urine – pH 6.5±0.10, the absence of recurrence within 30 days after the end of therapy.

Conclusion. Tutukon medicine is recommended for complex treatment of vaginitis, occurring in combination with cystitis in women of reproductive age.

Key words: vaginitis, cystitis, dysuria, urine pH, Tutukon.


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