• Morphological features of ovaries of rats with experimental hypovitaminosis D3
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Morphological features of ovaries of rats with experimental hypovitaminosis D3

Health of woman. 2015.1(97):195–198; doi 10.15574/HW.2015.97.195 

Morphological features of ovaries of rats with experimental hypovitaminosis D3 

Tatarchuk T. F., Zadorozhna T. D., Kapshuk I. N., Opuhovskaya L. I., Borisova T. A., Trikash I. O., Tarnapolska V. O.

SI «Institute of Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology, NAMS of Ukraine», Kiev

Institute of biochemistry. A. V. Palladin of NAS of Ukraine», Kyiv

Zhytomyr oblast perinatal center of Zhytomyr regional Council 

The paper presents the results of the study of specific morphological features of the ovaries of rats in the condition of experimental hypovitaminosis D3. It was found that morphologically ovaries of rats exposed to experimental D3 hypovitaminosis are characterized by the impairment of follicular maturation, formation of cysts, absence of corpora luthea, vescular remodelation as well as increase of colagenization and prevalence of stromal component. 

Key words: polycystic ovary syndrome, vitamin D, rat, ovaries. 


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