• Modern view on the problem of iron deficiency in girls at pubertal age
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Modern view on the problem of iron deficiency in girls at pubertal age

HEALTH OF WOMAN. 2018.5(131):86–92; doi 10.15574/HW.2018.131.86

Kucher E. V.
Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Kiev

Iron deficiency is one of the most urgent problems of adolescence. In the genesis of iron deficiency, a number of factors characteristic of the pubertal period are involved: accelerated rates of development, the formation of the ovarian-menstrual cycle, endocrine and metabolic dysfunctions. Prolonged iron deficiency to a decrease in the effectiveness of erythropoiesis, a violation of the differentiation of erythroid cells. In the case of an unresolved problem in girls in adolescence, iron deficiency in the reproductive period may have an adverse effect on the course of the gestational process, delivery, fetus and newborn condition in the future mother. The complex approach to the treatment and prevention of iron deficiency conditions in adolescent girls, the use of iron-containing preparations enriched with vitamins and microelements is topical.

The objective: to study the effectiveness of correction of iron deficiency anemia in adolescent girls with the drug Fursinol-3, which represents a unique therapeutic complex of ferrous sulfate, zinc sulfate, vitamins of group B1, B2, B6, B9, C and PP.

Materials and methods. Under outpatient observation, 62 patients aged 12–17 years were diagnosed with iron deficiency anemia (main group). The diagnosis was established on the basis of clinical (the presence of anemic and sideropenic syndromes) and laboratory research methods. The control group consisted of 30 teenage girls of similar age without anemic syndrome.

Results. Results of clinical symptomatology evaluation after 6 weeks of drug administration showed that all women with IDA had no skin pallor, asthenoneurotic syndrome was curative, and epithelial syndrome was reduced. After 3 weeks of taking the drug, the Hb level was significantly higher than the baseline data (119.02±1.27 g/L compared to 99.89±1.08 g/L; p<0.001), and after 6 weeks of administration the drug reached the age norms. The increase in hemoglobin for 6 weeks of taking the drug was 21.16±0.99 g/L. After 6 weeks of administration of the Fernistol-3 preparation, patients with IDA showed a positive dynamics of serum ferritin level in comparison with the initial level (28.36±0.52 g/L versus 10.02±0.28 g/L; p<0.001). When using the drug “Fursinol-3” no side effects were noted. All patients noted good tolerability of the drug.

Conclusions. The conducted studies showed high therapeutic effectiveness, good tolerability and safety of the drug Fersinol-Z, which gives reason to use it widely for correcting iron deficiency states in girls of pubertal age. The use of the drug Fessinol-3 in pediatric practice will promote along with iron deficiency, restoration of the balance of vitally important microelements and vitamins, contributing to the normalization of physiological processes in various organs and systems of a growing organism.

Key words: iron-deficiency anemia, teenage girls, hemoglobin, MCV, MCH, ferritin, efficacy of therapy, Fersinol-Z.


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