• Modern treatment of hyperandrogenic conditions in women of reproductive age
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Modern treatment of hyperandrogenic conditions in women of reproductive age

HEALTH OF WOMAN. 2020.5-6(151-152): 66-70; doi 10.15574/HW.2020.151-152.66
Romanenko T. G.1, Ignatiuk T. N.2, Molthanova E. A.3
1Shupyk National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Kiev
3Nadiya Reproductive Medicine Clinic, Kyiv

The objective: to study the effectiveness and safety of modern antiandrogen therapy in patients with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).
Materials and methods. Materials and methods. The first (main) study group included 39 patients with PCOS who received combination nonsteroidal antiandrogen therapy: antiandrogen drug containing flutamide (125 mg 3 times a day) and phyto drug Ovarimedin 1 capsule 2 times a day after meals for 6 months . The II (control) group included 37 patients who received a combination drug containing 35 μg of ethinylestradiol and 2 mg of cyproterone acetate for 6 months.
Results. After the course of treatment, biphasic MC was preserved in 25 (64.1%) patients of group I, and in 14 (37.8%) of group II. In group I, before the treatment of stage III hirsutism was in 23 patients (58.9%), after treatment – in 6 patients (15.3%); II stage in 10 patients (25.6%) before treatment, after treatment – in 18 patients (46.1%); I stage was found in 6 patients before treatment (15.5%) and in 15 patients (38.6%) after treatment. In group II patients, stage ІІІ hirsutism was detected in 21 patients (56.7%) before treatment, and in 7 patients (18.9%) after treatment; II stage in 9 patients (24.3%) before treatment, after treatment – in 13 patients (35.1%); I stage was found in 7 patients before treatment (19.0%) and in 17 patients (45.9%) after treatment.
Conclusions. Antiandrogenic nonsteroidal therapy with multicomponent herbal drug (Ovaremidine) and nonsteroidal antiandrogens may be recommended for the treatment of women with functional hyperandrogenism accompanied by hirsut syndrome, menstrual irregularities and / or infertility.
Our study confirmed that the use of this therapy contributes to the effective treatment of hirsutism, the restoration of menstrual disorders and fertility in women.
Differential algorithm for the treatment of hyperandrogenism of various etiologies, which can be recommended in the clinical practice of obstetricians and gynecologists.
Keywords: hyperandrogenism, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), menstrual cycle, infertility, hirsutism, phytotherapy.


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