• Modern non-medicated therapy of climacteric syndrome
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Modern non-medicated therapy of climacteric syndrome

HEALTH OF WOMAN. 2019.4(140): 79–81; doi 10.15574/HW.2019.140.79

Cherednichenko V. I., Lakusta N. M., Pikul M. Yu., Chernenko V. I., Maksymiak O. Ya.
MCE Cherkasy Regional Hospital of Cherkasy Regional Council
Regional Perinatal Center, Cherkasy city

The objective: to learn the effectiveness of non-medicated methods of treatment of climacteric syndrome with the use of HBO and metered physical activities.
Materials and methods: 60 women with severe menopausal symptoms were examined. The patients were divided into two groups:

the main group – 35 women, who used terencuri or HBO for the treatment;

the comparative group – 25 women, who used hormone therapy.
Results. The treatment of climacteric syndrome with the use of non-hormonal methods led to the significant decrease (P<0.05) in the majority of clinical symptoms. The most positive clinical dynamics was noticed in the main group, which is confirmed by a decrease of such symptoms as: hot flashes, sleep disorders, psychological and urinal disorders.
Conclusions: the result of the study confirms that the inclusion of HBO and metered physical activities in the symptomatic therapy is an effective way of treatment of the climacteric syndrome.
Key words: climacteric syndrome, symptoms, hyperbaric oxygenation and terencuri.


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