• Modern methods of diagnostics and treatment of injected tender in the child in children (literature review)
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Modern methods of diagnostics and treatment of injected tender in the child in children (literature review)

Paediatric surgery.Ukraine.2020.1(66):72-80; doi 10.15574/PS.2020.66.72
Klimanskyi R. P., Zharikov S. O., Nguyen N., Yudin O. I.
Donetsk National Medical University, Liman, Ukraine

For citation: Klimanskyi RP, Zharikov SO, Nguyen N, Yudin OI. (2020). Modern methods of diagnostics and treatment of injected tender in the child in children (literature review). Paediatric Surgery.Ukraine. 1(66):72-80; doi 10.15574/PS.2020.66.72
Article received: Oct 24, 2019. Accepted for publication: Feb 27, 2020.

Congenital obstruction of the small intestine is characterized by the presence of complete or partial violation of its patency, which is often accompanied by the development of syndrome of multiple organ failure with the involvement of all organs and systems of the body, and requires urgent surgical intervention in a newborn baby. Timely detection of intestinal obstruction in newborns is a prerequisite, given the possibility of severe complications. Advances in surgical treatment, intensive care, and postoperative nutritional support over the past decade have led to improved survival of newborns with congenital obstruction of the small intestine, but is still associated with significant morbidity and mortality. In order to improve the results of surgical management of congenital obstruction of the small intestine around the world, studies are conducted on the factors that affect mortality, but their results differ and remain controversial in some places. Mortality risk factors include complex heart defects, prematurity, sepsis, pneumonia, and surgical complications such as short bowel syndrome, anastomosis failure, and gastroduodenal dysfunction.
The article analyzes the publications that highlight the current problems of diagnosis and treatment of congenital obstruction of the small intestine in children. The basic principles and methods of surgical interventions of individual pediatric surgical clinics and rehabilitation of children in the postoperative period are considered.
No conflict of interest was declared by the authors.
Key words: congenital malformations, intestinal obstruction, atresia, treatment, children.


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