• Modern approaches to the correction of vaginal dysbiosis in pregnant women after antibiotic therapy
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Modern approaches to the correction of vaginal dysbiosis in pregnant women after antibiotic therapy

HEALTH OF WOMAN. 2018.9(135):62–64; doi 10.15574/HW.2018.135.62

Kravchenko O. V.
HSSEE «Bukovinsky State Medical University», Chernivtsi

The objective: is to evaluate the effectiveness of the use of the Floric probiotic system for the restoration of vaginal microbiocenosis after antibiotic therapy during pregnancy.

Materials and methods. We examined 58 pregnant women, in the II and III trimester of gestation, who received antibacterial therapy for bacterial vaginosis, nonspecific vaginitis and cervicitis, trichomonas colpitis and vulvovaginal candidiasis. All pregnant women underwent a general clinical examination, bacterioscopic and bacteriological examination of vaginal secretions immediately after the end of antibiotic therapy, on the 7th and 14th day of observation. All patients received probiotic Florica, which was used vaginally by 1–2 suppositories for 10 days after antibacterial therapy.

Results. Bacterioscopic and bacteriological examination of vaginal contents showed that antibacterial therapy leads to excessive growth of conditionally pathogenic flora and depression of symbiotic microorganisms. Lactic acid bacteria in the dynamics of treatment with probiotic Floric were detected in the increasing titer in the majority of the examined. Recovery of vaginal flora after treatment was observed in 56 (96.5%) women. The level of vaginal pH decreased to normal values (pH <4.5) in almost all women included in the examination group (94.8%).

Conclusion. Antibacterial agents, regardless of group affiliation, negatively affect the state of vaginal microbiocenosis, contributing to the development of antibacterial vaginal dysbiosis. The use of the Floric probiotic system allows to bring to a qualitatively new effective level the prevention and treatment of dysbiotic disorders in pregnant women, which will certainly improve the perinatal outcomes and ensure the formation of the physiological microbiocenosis in the biotopes of the newborn.

Key words: pregnancy, antibiotic therapy, dysbiosis, probiotic Florica.


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