• Miscarriage of pregnancy: current views on the problem (literature review)
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Miscarriage of pregnancy: current views on the problem (literature review)

HEALTH OF WOMAN. 2017.3(119):113–117

Vorobyova I. I., Zhivetskaya-Denisova A. A., Tkachenko V. B., Rudakova N. V., Tolkach S. M.
SI «Institute of Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology, NAMS of Ukraine», Kiev

The attention of scientists has been attracted to the molecular-genetic studies related to a deeper understanding of the etiology and pathogenesis of miscarriage during recent years. The study of genetic factors that may underlie miscarriage is the promising avenue for preventing reproductive loss.

Key words: miscarriage, genetic polymorphisms, cytokines, progesterone-induced blocking factor, transforming growth factor beta, toll-like receptors, congenital thrombophilia, glutathione S-transferases, angiotensin-converting-enzyme.


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