• MicroRNAs as functional state biomarkers of hepatocytes among infants with prolonged conjugational jaundice.
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MicroRNAs as functional state biomarkers of hepatocytes among infants with prolonged conjugational jaundice.

SOVREMENNAYA PEDIATRIYA.2014.3(59):116-120; doi 10.15574/SP.2014.59.116


MicroRNAs as functional state biomarkers of hepatocytes among infants with prolonged conjugational jaundice.


Lenchenko A. V., Chernega N. F., Shadrin O. G., Dosenko V. E. 
Institute of Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology of NAMS of Ukraine, Kiev

Children`s Municipal Clinical Hospital, Uzhgorod, Ukraine

Bogomolets Institute of Physiology, Kiev, Ukraine


Purpose: to determine the expression levels of miRNA-21-3p and miRNA-885-5p in the serum of infants with prolonged conjugation jaundice (PCJ).


Patients and methods: blood samples of 22 infants with PCJ and 28 healthy infants (control group) were tested. Expressions of miRNA-217-3p and miRNA-885-5p according to TaqMan techniques in the blood serum of newborns with PCJ and control groups were determined.


Results: miRNA profile studies revealed significantly lower expression levels of miR-21-3p and miR-885-5p among children with PCJ comparing with healthy children that indicates the functional state intensity of the hepatobiliary system, and decrease of hepatocytes functional activity.


Conclusions: increased susceptibility of hepatocytes to the activity of various negative factors among children with PCJ indicates the need to prescribe the complex treatment of this pathology with hepatoprotective drugs for the liver parenchyma retention at rest condition.


Key words: infants, prolonged conjugation jaundice, hepatocytes, miRNA-21-3p, miRNA-885-5p.



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