• The main markers of liver function abnormalities in pregnant women with positive HBsAg
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The main markers of liver function abnormalities in pregnant women with positive HBsAg

HEALTH OF WOMAN. 2018.10(136):15–17; doi 10.15574/HW.2018.136.15

Kurtash N. Y. , Perkhulyn O. M. , Pakharenko L. V.
SHEE «Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University»

Increasing the frequency of HBsAg in pregnant women is a particular concern for obstetricians and infectious disease physicians because due to significant adverse effects on the course of pregnancy, childbirth, perinatal loss, and vertical transmission of hepatitis B pathogen from mother to child.

The objective: of this study was to estimate of liver functional state in pregnant women with viral hepatitis B.

Material and methods. We examined 131 pregnant women in term of gestation 28-40 weeks. 75 persons of them with HBV-infection formed the basic group. The control group consisted of 56 healthy pregnant women without HBV-infection.

Results. We determined that the rate of pigment metabolism, bilirubin, in pregnant women with HBV infection, had the physiological ranges. The level of protein metabolism indice was significantly higher in women of the basic group – the value of thymol test was 8.01±1.39 units (p<0.05). The significant increase in transaminase activity was found in 61.33% of pregnant women with HBV infection. Thus, the level of alanineaminotransferase was 1.31±0.68 μmol/h ml (p<0.05), aspartateaminotransferase – 1.12±0.19 μmol/h·ml (p<0.05). The level of gamma-glutamyltransferase was significantly higher in 93.33% of women with HBV infection and was 66.79±19.9 U/l (p<0.05). The level of hepatic alkaline phosphatase was elevated in 32.00% persons in the basic group and corresponded to 95.07±38.52 IU/l.

Conclusion. The study of the course of viral hepatitis B in pregnant women using the estimation of the activity of gamma-glutamyltransferase in blood serum allows to determine the early diagnosis of functional disorders in hepatobiliary system. Indices of protein metabolism (thymol test) and the enzyme activity level (alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase, gamma-glutamyltransferase and alkaline phosphatase) was significantly higher compared to the controls in pregnant persons with HBV-infection. Such changes may indicate the presence of cytological, hepatodepressive, and mesenchymal-inflammatory syndromes, and disturbance of protein metabolism.

Key words: pregnancy, viral hepatitis B, liver function.


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